Want a fishing kayak, but unsure what type to get? Let us give you a quick guide..
Oct 10, 2015
Bay Kayaks have expanded it's range of fishing kayaks, with the introduction of three exciting new models; The Bighead Angler, The Catch and The Perch fishing kayaks. Comfort, stability, rod holders and anglers are among the top considerations when finding the perfect fishing yak, to ensure one is best prepared for a day on the water. So to help guide you to find the right fishing kayak for your needs, we have a quick FAQ to help you decide!
Generally most anglers prefer the sit-on-top as it allows them to easily jump off and wade, plus it allows for accessories, such as mounted rod holder, to be positioned to their liking. It also makes for easy access to storage behind the seat and quick packing away of the anchor. However sit-in kayaks do have their benefits too. Mainly, in the cooler weather the cockpit can be covered using a spray skirt keeping you warm and dry. If you're still unsure, you can always try the 'cockpit' style fishing kayak, such as that of the Ambush 2, which excellent as they are like a sit-in kayak but with a much larger cockpit opening (see below).

Whether you're a beginner or an advanced paddler, there are some key differences the higher end models such as the Pro Fishing have which set them apart from the rest. Firstly, they are wider giving greater stability. Secondly, they have an in-built rudder system which allows you to control your direction with must less effort. Third, there is a stack more storage including vulcanised hatch covers (with enough storage for a queen size doonah to be stuffed in!), and multiple twist-lock hatches for all the tackle, lures and extra bits for a day trip. So whilst entry-level fishing kayaks such as the Big Head Angler and The Catch will definitely be up to the task, the bigger, longer fishing kayaks are more suited for all-day on the water (or even an overnight trip) with ample storage solutions plus the extra room for mounting accessories.

Is it really worth spending the extra for a deluxe seat?
In one word, absolutely. There are several reasons a good seat is important. Firstly, it not only provides comfort under the bum, it also has support going much higher up your back than a standard backrest. The width of the deluxe seat also gives you support for the whole width of your back, meaning less strain on your muscles. Even for short distance paddles, the ribbed padding feels a lot nicer than bare plastic underneath you, and also prevents you from sitting directly in a puddle of water should you take some water onboard.