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Kayaking with pets

Why is kayaking so popular in Australia?

You may have seen a kayak on the roof of a passing car. Or tied up at your local boat ramp. But perhaps haven't put two and two together. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, kayaking is one of the fastest growing sports in Australia.

A low-impact activity, kayaking and canoeing improve your aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility and so its no wonder over 129,000 Australian's participated in kayaking in 2016 alone. Whilst kayaking is a competitive sport, it is most popular as a recreational hobby or even a fun activity whilst on holidays. 

With an entry level kayak usually under 20kgs and just a few hundred bucks, every man and his dog (literally) can grab a paddle, lifejacket and sunscreen, and venture out to explore the local lake, and take in the breathtaking views Australia is so lucky to provide. From Narrabeen Lake to the Hawesbury, there are literally thousands of places to be explored by kayak. Recreational kayaking is most popular for families who wish to get away from the screen, and out into the open to spend quality time together, in a double or triple kayak, whilst the more adventurous may wish to opt for a sea or touring kayak, to explore the more remote, untouched hidden gems. 

Winner Kayak Outdoor Kayaking Recreational Kayak Sit In Kayak Manly

But it doesn't stop there. Beyond sea & recreational kayaking, you have surf kayaking, white water kayaking, competitive canoe polo (seriously, check out the carnage here), surf kayaking, sprint kayaking, and the list goes on. 

So why is kayaking so popular? 

- Abundance of lakes, rivers, dams and creeks from the coast to inland, Australia has a tonne of them.

- Health benefits such as improved cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength (especially back, arms and shoulders from paddling), reduced risk of wear and tear on your joints and tissues, being a low impact activity.

- Relatively cheap sport to get into (opposed to say, sailing) with entry level kayaks from $299 to family kayaks from $649

- It is both physically and mentally stimulating, being able to work up a sweat whilst viewing the surrounding landscapes from the water.

- Affordable for those keen on kayak fishing. Rather than finding a friend who owns a motorboat, a keen fisherman can venture out to where the big fish are, in a fishing kayak kitted out with rod holders, and storage for fresh catch.

Winner Otium Dreamer Sit In Touring Kayaks Narrabeen Lake

So there you have it. With plenty of reasons to get outdoors, keep active and bask in the beautiful scenery we're so lucky to have here in Australia, it's no wonder kayaking and kayak fishing are one of the fastest growing sports in Australia. 

Check out our range of high quality Recreational Kayaks, Fishing Kayaks, Sit On Top Kayaks, Sit In Kayaks, Underwater Viewing Kayaks, Family Kayaks, Single Kayaks, Surf Skis.

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